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Andrew John's Weekender - Show Number 1

Broadcast live on Saturday February 18th 2023 at 9PM...

Andrew John returns with a brand new show, including topical news features, quirky talk and the surreal Little Bibbling Under Flossock, Childrens Stories for Maladjusted Grown-Up's! This programme features the very first episode of Little Bibbling, and how it all started.

© 2023 Celtica Radio

Kick K

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The Darkwave Hour - Show 500

Broadcast on Thursday April 1st 2021...

Nick K celebrating his 500th show on Celtica Radio - Nick joined the station at the very beginning of 2010, and has been an integral part of our programming since; contributing to the unique sound of Celtica Radio.

© 2021 Celtica Radio

Kick K

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Profile - Fiùran

Broadcast on Wednesday November 20th 2019...

From Canada sixty minutes of contemporary hard rock with traditional Celtic Scottish Gaelic music. Randy Waugh, Krista Grant from the band talk to Dave Cook.

© 2019 Celtica Radio/Fiùran


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Dave Carringtons' Squaring the Circle - A Local Hero

Broadcast on Wednesday July 3rd 2019...

Written and read by Ron Powell. The moving story about Pilot Officer Laurie Whitbread, a young Spitfire pilot from the town of Ludlow who was shot down and killed in September 1940 at the height of the Battle of Britain. Plus Dispatches from New York with Christopher Ross.

It is accompanied by an evocative soundtrack from music royalty; the Violaris family.

© 2019 Ron Powell/Violaris/Celtica Radio

Ron Powell

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The Shed

Broadcast on Wednesday September 20th 2017...

The ShedQuarters is a way for men to pursue their interests, develop new ones and belong to a unique group, feeling useful, fulfilled and with a sense of belonging. This recording is the final one in a series of programmes Celtica Radio broadcast publicising the Men's Sheds movement in Wales.

Click Here to go to the ShedQuarters

© 2017 The Shedquarters/Celtica Radio

The Shedquarters

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Squaring the Circle - Wills Story

Broadcast on Wednesday June 8th 2016...

Dave Carrington with Wills compelling story on Squaring the Circle. The loving and sad story in memory of Will and for all those poor souls, on both sides of World War One who gave their lives. More information on this story along with with his family can be found in the Will Matthews Photo Album on the Celtica Radio Facebook page.

© 2016 Celtica Radio

Will Matthews

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Profile featuring Little Eris

Broadcast on Wednesday February 3rd 2016...

Interviewed at the Wells Hotel by Bill Everatt, the Welsh multimedia artist Little Eris has been on the scene since 2008 producing and performing electronic music. Based in Cardiff she’s been described as “South Wales' homegrown electro pop miracle, a sparkling glitch fairy of the urban woods”. Little Eris releases music under her own record label Original Human records and, has also been included on multiple compilation albums. Little Eris music, is available to buy on itunes and Amazon and other online digital retailers. Visit where you’ll find news, music videos, links to free downloads etc and to quote Buzz Magazine; “You’ve got to love Little Eris – she’s the antithesis of reality TV music on every level, and therefore deserving of your full attention.".

© 2016 Celtica Radio

Little Eris and Ev on Eris

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The Very First Broadcast - Anniversary Edition.

Celtica Radio - The Very First Show, 2015 Anniversary Edition by Celtica Radio on Mixcloud

Dave Cook and Co off the leish!

© 2000 & 2015 Celtica Radio



Sixties Extra with Bill Everatt.

60s Beat Extra with Bill Everatt by Celtica Radio on Mixcloud

Documentary on 1960s Beat Music from a British perspective.

© 2015 Celtica Radio



The Fred Stacey Show - First on 102.1 FM

On Tuesday Morning August 12th at Midnight local time, Fred Stacey broadcast the first Celtica Radio Show on the 102.1 FM platform, just over twelve hours after Radio Hafren went live...

In a recent interview, Fred was asked, how do he feel about this? "FM is a nicer sound, and its an exciting time for Celtica, I've always had faith that we would end up extending our audience in this way. It's a very proud moment for me to be the first Celtica Radio voice to be officially heard on FM." Fred joined Celtica Radio in the Easter of 2002, and hails originally from Newport in South Wales. He started in the entertainment industry in 1977 as an assistant stage manager, and has worked with many well-known UK acts of the day, plus appearing in films and TV programs including for the BBC. Fred, also works for the Health Service, and began his own mobile disco in 1998. His first taster of broadcasting happened when he went with a presenter friend to the studios of a Scottish radio station - Radio North Angus, and to quote Fred, "she let me have a go!" From then on, Fred was hooked. After a course at the Radio School - he joined Celtica Radio, and is now on our Board of Directors.

© 2014 Celtica Radio

Fred Stacey

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Gemini Force One

Jamie Anderson talks about his Father, Gerry Anderson, and the Legacy projects in particular Gemini Force One, with the Fanderson March composed for Gerry Anderson with the kind permission of the estate of Barry Gray.

© 2013 Celtica Radio

Gemini Force One

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The Fred Stacey Show - Freddy's Favorites

Fred Stacey joined Celtica Radio in 2002, and has been continously broadcasting since. This show was first transmitted on March 10th 2012, and celebrates Fred's first ten years on air with us!

© 2012 Celtica Radio

Fred Stacey

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Profile - Bo Walton

A special programme, profiling the exciting new singer songwriter Bo Walton. Sixty minutes of Bo’s original music including contributions by establishd artists like Mark Knopfler and Nik Kershaw.

Bo Walton is based in Hereford and currently fronts a Rockabilly band playing around his local area. Bo’s musical and vocal style is a mix of Rockabilly and Country with an edge. Bo has written or co-written all of the songs on his album with John David. Songs including “Rebecca Once” and “Don’t be afraid of the light” written with Christopher Neil & Nik Kershaw will not be released on Bo’s first album but could be released in the future, however you can hear them in this programme.

© 2012 Celtica Radio

Bo Walton outside Sun Records

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First Broadcast on 756kHz Medium Wave.

Celtica Radio first transmission to Mid Wales and the Borders by Celtica Radio on Mixcloud

Celtica Radio goes live to Mid-Wales and the Borders on April 24th 2011,

© 2011 Celtica Radio


The Gathering Grand Final
So the waiting is over... The on-line Votes have been cast... Four regional heats, and now we've arrived at the final. Recorded throughout Saturday April 24th 2010 the programme features sessions and interviews from Gathering finalists; Innovence, Decoy, Offset, Ladies Love a Superhero, Librarians worst nightmare, The Venue, Nexus and Stars and Flights. All here exclusively worldwide on Celtica Radio, on-line, on digital wireless and the Nokia Mobile Phone Network. Part two, featuring the Guns will be on-line shortly. Let the ultimate Battle Commence!

The Guns - Live at Bridgend Recreation Centre
Ed Risby exclusively interviews the Guns with their new female drummer and plays their whole live set from Bridgend Recreation Centre as special guests of the Gathering 2010.

© 2010 Celtica Radio

The Guns

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of the Final

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of the Guns - Live


Dave Cooks Zoo - The MP's Expenses Rant!

The last programme in the series of Dave Cook's Zootime "Rants" may have made the listeners ears bleed, but it was heart felt stuff, and we thought it was too good to loose.

This programme contains some very frank observations about the 2009 British MP's Expenses Scandal, which some people may find offensive. You can read more about this by clicking here on Dave Cooks January 2010 Blog entry as a final footnote to the affair and Cookys observations on the programme.

Please remember, Cooky has a right to freedom of speech, and a right to express his thoughts.

© 2009 Celtica Radio

Dave Cook

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Underground Edition- KCAT 2009

Bill Everatt and Ed Risby, with a very special update of the Celtica Radio Underground Edition, from March 2009 at the Welsh Assembly Government Senedd in Cardiff Bay. This programme exclusively covered the Knife Crime Awareness Tour, with guests Gary Payne from Life skills for Children, Dee Edwards MBE from MAMMA Wales and Linda Evans from KCAT itself. Ed Risby also speaks with MC ENVY and we hear some of his music too.

Later on Bill Everatt talks with Richard Taylor, the leading campaigner against knife crime in the UK since the death of his son Damilola in November 2000. Together with his late wife, Gloria, he sat up the Damilola Taylor Trust. This complete show also has some great new and thought provoking tracks from; Douye, Eat the weeds, Triflemore, Ockhams Raiser and Hilary Weaver. Plus Andrew John provides us with some statistics about Knife Crime in the United Kingdom

© 2009 Celtica Radio

Painting of the Senedd where the programme was presented from

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2008 Profile - Fraid Knot

Canadian East Coast Celtic Rock has become increasingly popular throughout North America and Europe. The Canadian based, Fraid Knot, have begun to stir the air waves with their technically driving and high energy celtic influenced original music.

FRED STACEY profiles Fraid Knot in this Transatlantic link-up, featuring their new album Hoist the Sails.

Click Here to go to the Fraid Knot Website

© 2008 Celtica Radio / Fraid Knot

Fraid Knot

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S.E.X Live @ the Point!

The Cardiff Bay area has undergone a huge redevelopment in the last 10 years and is now THE place for entertainment in Cardiff. At its heart, in the old Merchants Quarter of Mount Stuart Square, is The Point – a Gothic style, stone built church erected around 1900, and formerly known as the church of St Stephen.

Bill Everatt says; "In 1988, I was handed a demonstration cassette recorded by a little known South Wales band fronted by Phil Jones. The tape contained a stunning recording of a song called Aeroplane. At the time I was working as a full time presenter and producer on Red Dragon Radio, the commercial radio station for the Capital City of Wales; Cardiff. And I lost no time in airplaying this exhilarating track to the stations audience of over three quarters of a million people. Since then, I have received thousands of demo discs, but without a doubt, this recording set the standard by which I evaluated all material in the future."

And now Celtica Radio brings you recorded live at The Point; Headline band SEX, plus special guests "As Silence Falls" and to start the programme a unique instrumental set performed by the Kinky Wizzards.

© 2008 Celtica Radio / S-E-X / Kinky Wizzards / As Silence Falls

Phil Jones, the Front Man of S.E.X!  On stage at The Point.  Click on this picture to go to the S.E.X Website.

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Squaring The Circle - Battle Cry.

“When I was contacted by an unpublished writer, calling himself Casper who wanted to submit a ghost story for broadcast on Celtica Radios ‘Squaring the Circle’. I honestly thought I was having my leg pulled!!!” said Dave Carrington.

“But it turned out that Casper was very much a real person! And this story is a poignant tale of a injured World War Two pilot, who many years later, returned to his old base to dedicate a memorial to all those who flew the Fairy Battle Aircraft. The ‘Fairy Battle’ was a single-engine, two-seat Fighter/Light Bomber, powered by a Rolls Royce 1050 Horse Power engine. As read by Andrew John.

© 2014 Celtica Radio

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Major Music.

Sunday 24th September, the Major Music Studio in Llantwit Major was opened. A dream come true for co-founders Phil and Dave. Working in partnership with the Vale of Glamorgan Youth Service, Major Music over the past two years have invested immense amounts of energy and enthusiasm in moving ahead with the building of this fantastic resource. Click Here for More Details.

© 2006 Celtica Radio

Major Music

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Air Column.

The very first programme from John Grierson. Featuring Johns real life experience of the UK broadcasting regulator OfCom, and his views on the awarding of the Cornwall local radio licence.

Please remember, John has a right to freedom of speech, and a right to express his thoughts.

© 2005 Celtica Radio

John Grierson, at the Cornwall Studio

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2005 Profile - Carmen Pimps.

Here is a Celtica Radio Interview with UK Rock Band, the Carmen Pimps. The program features an unplugged acoustic set.

© 2005 Celtica Radio / Carmen Pimps

The Carmen Pimps

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To Play in Real One


ONE OFF PROGRAMME, Featuring the Ministry Of Defiance, dj Methodist, Guido Meyer, Luca Del Bianco, The Keith Burton Orchestra, The Brothers Femme, Albert Etienne, Subtronic. ...........and the words of William Shakespere read by the AVALON Playout Computer!

© 2005 Celtica Radio

Gaffer Day

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To Play in Real One

2005 Profile - Zoe McCulloch.

Here is a Celtica Radio Interview with virtuoso guitarist Zoe McCulloch. The program features some new and unreleased tracks and the first track Zoe ever recorded just after her twelfth birthday.

© 2005 Celtica Radio / Zoe McCulloch

Virtuoso Guitarist Zoe McCulloch

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2004 Major Music Rock Festival.

A live and EXCLUSIVE webcast of the FIRST Major Music Rock Festival presented by Ed Risby and Bill Everatt. RAW South Wales talent at a special concert at Llantwit Major on Dec 18 2004.

Click here for pictures of the event.

© 2004 Celtica Radio / Major Music


2004 Profile - Urban Ego.

Urban Ego, based in Vienna Austria point the way to the future of Austrian Rock, which they simply call AUT-Rock. The four charismatic guys have broken new ground with their alternative sound. An emotional fusion of melodic guitars, sweeping symphonic strings and a warmly expressive voice. This is an exclusive interview with the band...

© 2004 Celtica Radio / Urban Ego

Click Here to go to their website.

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2002 The Queens Golden Jubilee at Llantwit Major.

Golden Jubilee 2002 Roadshow by Celtica Radio on Mixcloud

Join Fred Stacey, Ed Risby and Bill Everatt on the Celtica Radio Road show, June 1st 2002 at the very start of Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee celebrations. The first in the 2002 series of Summer Road shows at the historic coastal town of Llantwit Major.

Click here to see Photos of the day,

© 2002 Celtica Radio / Ed, Fred & Bill

Fred and Fan

1998 The Last Question

During the run up to the second local radio trial that our group undertook to bring commercial radio to the Bridgend area. Several of our members assisted Bridgend College, Department of Performing Arts [where Bill was actually a mature student at the time] produce a play for radio written by Isaac Asimov.

This recording, remixed and enhanced for broadcast received its premier in late 1997, when we broadcast under the call sign Bridge-87.7 and has proved a popular Program since.

© 1997 Bill Everatt / Bridgend College.

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The Last Question Archive

2001 Oliver Davies Live

We have a young guy from Bridgend in South Wales, Oliver Davis. Click on the Picture to find out more about Oliver and see Photographs of his first gig at the Toll House.

You can also listen to a recording of this free live concert staged on a hot summer evening in August 2001 by Clicking Below

Click Here to see Photographs of Oliver's first gig at the 
        Toll House

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Oliver Davies
Live in Bridgend
2001 Profile - Roger Clatworthy

A Celtica One "Profile". Presented by Gareth Anstee, featuring the music of South Wales Singer / Songwriter and Guitarist, ROGER CLATWORTHY. Click the button. to hear this free live concert staged by Celtica Radio.

Recorded live on 21st July 2001 at the Newton Music and Beer Festival in association with the Jolly Sailor Inn, Newton, Porthcawl...
Roger Clatworthy

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Roger Clatworthy
live at Porthcawl

On a sunny afternoon on Saturday July 21st 2001 at the coastal resort of Porthcawl in South Wales, the Celtica Radio Road show hosted the Newton Music and Beer Festival in association with the Jolly Sailor Inn. Singer /Songwriter and Guitarist, Roger Clatworthy, was interviewed by Gareth Anstee for the Celtica One program, and performed live for forty-five minutes. This unique event is still available above. Steve Faldo kicked the outside broadcast off with his Universal Drivetime Option, Ed Risby closed the occasion, which was a great success.

Once again, Ed got us all wondering if:-

1. He's sane, and
2. Whether he is in fact an alien, and not from the planet Earth.

He managed to achieve this outstanding feat by opening his show while running round and around in circles until he got dizzy, and fell over!


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