Celtica Radio Live at the
Queens Golden Jubilee, Llantwit Major.

The Celtica Radio Roadshow, June 1st 2002
at the very start of Queen Elizabeth the Seconds' Golden Jubilee celebrations
at the historic coastal town of Llantwit Major.
Our thanks go out to the
many dignitaries who assisted us on the day. Llantwit Major has an official
"Town Crier" who obliged in providing Celtica Radio with a
'Local' News Service!
Llantwit Major is an ancient beachside
settlement with relics stretching back as far as the Neolithic period.
The Town Crier was indeed in good voice,
and obliged in some impromptu singing, plus musical accompaniment to
various tracks during the roadshow performance.
This area was under the rule of the Romans
for nearly 350 years, and a nearby excavation revealed an elaborate
Roman Villa, complete with bathrooms and mosaic pathways, dating from
the mid 2nd century.
Llantwit Majors Rugby Football field was
the location for this first in the 2002 season of Summer Roadshows.
Royalty, and legends say, even the patron
saint of Wales, St David himself, were attracted to the site. Many churches
were established from here, and it became so renowned that it was used
as a royal burial place.
However, Llantwit's main distinction dates
from after the Romans had left, with the foundation of a monastery by
St. Illtud in the late 5th century - indeed, Llantwit has the reputation
of being one of the first places to establish Christianity in Britain.
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