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Thanks for clicking on Celtica Radio and welcome to our sales section. I'm Gordon Jones, our International Sales Director.

This part of our website is packed full of sales information and strategic marketing initiatives that will drive your company profile and campaign forward directly to your target audience! To find out more and how Celtica Radio can help you please read on, you'll find clear information containing Commercial Sales, Marketing pages and Campaigns, both On and Off-Air! So keep reading and lets get started...

The latest figures from RAJAR suggest 6 million (11%) of the UK Population listen to a podcast each week. For July 15th to 22nd 2018, Celtica Radio got 44,765 podcast downloads in the UK and 80,801 worldwide. If you run a business, what is that worth to you?

Celtica Radio currently broadcasts to over 22 European Countries in English as well as the United States of America, our creative programming is tailor-made for all ages and types of listeners. Our radio shows attract every age group, and from all corners of the globe. Our listeners constantly listen in, Download, Podcast, and constantly to tell us that we are different in the way we broadcast with our exclusive and original delivery. In fact, Celtica Radio is different from any other radio station in the world; Celtica Radio is one of the original pioneers when it comes to on-line radio, we are one of the oldest stations on the Internet, having been on air continually since 2001. Over the years, we have flatly turned down several buyers, so we're still in the same ownership! Recent research from podcast platform Acast suggests that podcast listeners in the UK tend to be millennials - with two thirds falling into the 16-34 age bracket. Of this group, 27% listen once a week, and 29% listen between two to four times a week!

Celtica Radio offers its listeners, brand new marketing opportunities like no other radio organization. Advertise with Celtica Radio and your product or campaign, [with a little help and magic from our in-house production team] will speak for itself. You could potentially reach millions of listeners and all for a very exclusive price!


We have a total yearly combined audience of over EIGHT AND A HALF MILLION listeners who have various ways of logging on and listening to our service.

From July 15th to the 22nd 2018, the Podcast Traffic by Country was as follows:
United Kingdom 44,765
United States 6,867
India 3,878
Other countries 25,291

In the above sample week, Celtica Radio logged 83,034 just to our Live Broadcast stream, we have over fifteen-thousand followers on the Tune-In Radio App.

Last year, Celtica Radio logged over FOUR MILLION listeners tuning in to our live broadcasts; Worldwide, 38% of that audience come from the lucrative American market, 27% from Europe, plus the remaining 20% from the rest of the globe. Click here and earlier stats here to find independently verified statistics,


Tune In Followers - Click here for proof

We have fresh and exciting marketing and sales ideas awaiting you, which offers a new diverse way of transmitting your brand and campaign both On and Off-Air! You could sponsor a radio show or a radio feature; You could even tag your company portfolio to an on road vehicle, banners, flyers etc. We can even arrange an outside broadcast event and create brand new business away from our radio station. The possibilities are endless when you choose Celtica Radio, so why not get in touch!

Who are AlBilCo MediaComm?
AlBilCo MediaComm is the parent company of Celtica Radio Ltd. At AlBilCo MediaComm we can arrange just about anything media related! We can help promote and produce Media Marketing Campaigns, create product Idents and branding, we've even arranged theatre performances of classic Pantomimes! Between Celtica Radio and AlBilCo MediaComm we deliver hard and fast to your target audience first time, remember your audience are our current listeners!!!

Platform is a brand name for our very exclusive new music bands from across the globe. Platform can offer an advertiser blanket or part sponsorship of a tour or event. There are so many ways to brand up and cross promote our clients campaigns and products. Platform offers our clients a very exciting way to get the advertisers message across and capture our audiences from a different angle!

WHEN YOU ADVERTISE WITH CELTICA RADIO WE OFFER BOTH OUR COMMERCIAL CLIENTS & CHARITABLE ORGANISATIONS... The most cost effective Advertising & Marketing Solutions - Flexible Rates - Recruitment Advertising - Increased Awareness of their Product-Non-Pressured Sales. We take time to talk to our clients prior to their campaign commencing, we explain in detail the best possible deal which would suit our clients needs! Let Celtica Radio build your Brand - Lifestyle Advertising & Media Marketing - Proven Track record and Media Knowledge awaits you!!!

Celtica Radio will tailor make a 30 second long Radio Commercial, we can create a jingle to fit any profile and for just about any kind of client! You could even sponsor a whole show, a radio feature or even the station itself! We can mix up your On - Air with your Off - Air marketing so that you blanket cover the whole Celtica Radio Portfolio and you'll find our rates very attractive. We currently offer rates for commercial clients, and charitable organizations can take advantage of our special reduced rates. We can even help market your ideas away from radio! So take your first big step right now and enter the Celtica Radio Media Arena!!!

Interested parties or their agents should contact sales by Clicking Here.


Celtica Radio uses the UK Advertising Standards Code of Practice in any commercial production we transmit, and although we are not licensed by, or affiliated to the UK broadcast Regulator, OfCom, in any way, we do voluntarily and rigidly stick by this code of conduct and advertising practice.

The future of new media is here... Celtica Radio, on demand 24 hours a day!


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Albilco Productions Wizard Trade Mark
Copyright MMXXV Celtica Radio. A Division of AlBilCo MediaComm.