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Celtica Radio Live Broadcast @ Llantwit Major
Major Music Festival 18th December 2004

At Llantwit Major, Major Music Festival (Click image to get a larger view) To book the Outside Broadcast facility for you E-mail us or phone 07005 963770 (option 2), Fax 07005 963771


Bill in the temp studio

VEGAS sound check
Celtica Radio outside broadcast facility in the caretaker office at Llantwit Comprehensive School.
Set up time for the boys of VEGAS!
VEGAS more sound checks Kicking off with one of the live bands
More sound checks with VEGAS!
The House Band, well some of the instructors for the charity Major Music, live on the sound stage
The band NEW DAY in the interview room Mythology one of the live bands interviewed
The Band, New Day, in the interview room with Bill and Friz.

The band Mythology in the interview room, and listen to them and all the others on the on demand section above.

Revellers on the night One of the live bands getting ready for their performance on the night
Some of the reverllers bouncing to the bands
One of the live bands getting ready for the night!
For more piccies from the day click HERE

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