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Celtica Radio Live Roadshow Facility

At Major Music, 18th December 2004 (Click image to get a larger view) To book the Outside Broadcast facility for you E-mail us or phone 07005 963770 (option 2), Fax 07005 963771


more fun in the audiance

VEGAS at their table prior to performance Lots of people enjoying the night
More fun in the audiance
This is VEGAS relaxing, listening to all the bands prior to their top slot.
Lots of people enjoying the night, of live performance.
Dave and the mic, what a bad combination live music and dance with the new music bands dance till yer feet hurt
Dave at the mic prior to the lucky programme prize draw. with a roland keyboard for the prize.
More party goers enjoying the night.
Dancing till yer feet hurt.
what no lights    
Where the lights go Fred. lol



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Copyright MMXXIV Celtica Radio. A Division of AlBilCo MediaComm.